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1963 Volkswagen 15 Window Walk-Thru Deluxe Microbus

1963 Volkswagen 15 Window Walk-thru Deluxe Microbus. This Bus has a great story...there was a lead given to us that there was a Bus sitting in a backyard in Washington. Not wanting to miss out on getting another Bus we got to work. Two of our friends were close by in a neighboring city and were kind enough to go down and check it out. Sure enough, there was a beautiful 15 Window Deluxe sitting in a field. After a pair of 6 hour one way trips back and forth with a truck and trailer we finally got the owners to let loose of the Bus so we could restore it and return it to the open road. 

When we brought it back we started to take the old respray off and there was some really nice OG paint under hiding underneath. After taking it all off and getting the Bus back on the road we put it up for sale as a patina driver. A great clinet in California then purchased it from us and asked if we can do a survivor patina restoration. We started down that path, but as the Bus progressed through the metal work stage our client's mind started to change and he asked us to perform a full turnkey restoration. 

Once we completed the Bus we were struggling to deliver it to our client. We told him we could deliver it to him, but then something came up and we were unable to do so. Of course our client was upset at us which was understandable as he just wanted to see his Bus. The next day the plan of delivering the Bus opened back up so we then decided to keep him mad, but then surprise him. Working closely with his wife and a close friend we were successfully able to carry out our plan. With his weekend ruined and his lip dragging on the ground the door bell rang...when our client stepped outside he found his fully restored Bus that he had not see for months waiting for him. Our client had not seen any updates on the Bus since the time we painted it until he saw it in person, so it was quite a shock!

Wish him luck and hope he enjoys it for many many years. 

Project Update: 
Saturday, November 14, 2015
Start Date: 
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Projected Completion Date: 
Friday, June 10, 2016
Completed Date: 
Saturday, November 14, 2015