1961 VW 23 Window Deluxe Microbus
What you are looking at is an original 23 Window Microbus that had been sitting in a Washington forest for many many years just rotting away. We are happy that we were the ones to accept the challenge of getting this 23 Window back on the road and save it from being parted out. Yes, this Bus needed hundreds of hours in metal work but Silver Lining did it. First, we owe a huge thank you to the new owner of this Bus as he was the one that trusted us to bring this gem back to life. Our client is the a proud owner of a 1963 15 Window Bus and he wanted to add a 23 to his collection. He heard that we had a few really rusty Bus, so rusty that I hesitated to send him photos in fear that he'd run away, but he took the leap of faith in us to save it. Once we worked out the details we started tearing into the Bus and day by day it started to look like a 23 Window Samba once again.
Project Update:
With many many hours into the metal restoration this Bus is finally coming back to life. The metal work was a very challenging task but we pulled it off and it is now on the rotisserie and waiting in body work to take it to the next stage.
Saturday, August 13, 2016
We are working on the body at this time. Getting all the lines and gaps right...it's looking great.
Monday, November 21, 2016
Now it has been epoxy primed and is ready to be blocked out.
Saturday, February 4, 2017
Primed and ready to get blocked out again. Our customer changed direction on the suspension so we will be putting it on full air ride suspension with a freeway flyer trans and dual carb 1776 motor. We can't wait to get this 23 Window on bags. He also is going with a different color scheme than original...stay tuned.
The Bus has since been completed and delivered to the customer.
Projected Completion Date:
Monday, December 26, 2016
Completed Date:
Saturday, February 3, 2018