1959 Volkswagen 23 Window Deluxe Microbus
We found this Bus in our own neighborhood of Portland, Oregon. This one was a battle to locate the owner, but we ended up getting the Bus. After pulling it out of a forest, we brought the Bus home and gave it a really good bath that was 30 years over due. Once that task was completed, a great client of ours purchased it from us to perform a full turnkey restoration. The Bus looked good from afar, but it was far from good. The condition of the Bus was largely due to all the windows still being present, so it did a lot of sweating which caused a great deal of damage to the interior...but this is nothing new for us, so we just rolled up our sleeves and started in.
After sitting and rotting for 30 years, the Bus got a new chance at life, and is now off to new adventures. We hope to see it at car shows and out cruising in the future.